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Current studies

Study Name: The role of the cerebellum in lookahead planning 
Location: Online
Participation Time Requirement: 2-3 hours

We are recruiting adult native speakers of American English for a research study that seeks to understand how our speech articulators move. We are recruiting people that have a diagnosis of ataxia AND people with no history of neurological, speech, or hearing disorders.

In this study, we will record your voice as you complete simple speaking tasks on your computer. You may also do some additional listening tasks. Participants are compensated $20/hr, or 1 research credit/hr (for extra credit students). 

General eligibility:

  • 18-89 years old

  • Native speaker of American English

  • No history of neurological, speech, or hearing disorders; OR, diagnosis of ataxia

  • Normal or corrected-to-normal vision

If you are interested in participating, please fill out our eligibility survey here

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